define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false); Health & Fitness – Tank Top and Tennis Shoe Girl

Health & Fitness

“It’s hard to be happy and active when your feet hurt.  Give me sensible shoes any day.”–Me

Check your judgments at the door.  It’s just fun and fitness in my workout world.  Enjoy moving and living a balanced life.  I say enjoy that piece of cake with friends and just keep moving.  Again, it’s all about balance.

Tennis Shoes of Course!

As a tank top and tennis shoe girl, I have to talk about the sneaks first and foremost.  I am a former recreational runner, sidelined first by a knee injury and then by an inner ear condition, and am a running shoe snob.  Good running shoes aren’t cheap, and this is one area in which I don’t compromise on quality.  While inventory supplies will vary, Sierra Trading Post offers great deals on expensive running shoes.  I have purchased many pairs from them over the years.  Sign up for their deal flyers.  This will generate a lot of email but is worth it.  Clicking through the deal flyer will typically give you an additional percentage off the sale price.  The ads change frequently and will include different items on promo.  The good running shoes are more apt to be included in the extra 30% off deal flyers than the larger percentage off ads.  The $150-$160 regularly priced kicks should get down closer to $70 or $80.  You might pay a little more, and you may even pay less at times.  If you’re not as big of a running shoe snob as I am, you can get some great high quality shoes for considerably less.  The styles they offer may not always be the latest edition, but for the cost savings, I think that’s irrelevant.  If you’re a runner, you may already have a favorite shoe, and it’s just a matter of do they carry that brand and have them in stock.  If you’re not sure what shoe is right for you, go to a store that sells running shoes and try on different models.  Once you know what you like and fits, order online at the reduced price.  It might be worth the investment to stock up on a few pairs when they have your size and style in stock.  If you are curious about different models, the discounted prices afford you the opportunity to try a variety of styles.  My favorites are Asics Gel Kayano and Brooks Glycerin.  I’ve worn numerous pairs of Asics Gel Nimbus as well.  Sid prefers the Brooks.

Sid's Sneakers

It is quite common to go up a half size in running shoes.  As you workout, your feet will sweat and swell.  A little extra space in the toe box will allow for that expansion.   It might take a little convincing to try it, but once you’ve gone up that 1/2 size, I doubt you’ll go back down again.  I know I sure won’t.  If you’re serious about running, I would splurge once and buy running shoes at the local running store that observes how you run and will fit you properly in a shoe.  It’s worth paying for that service initially.  After you know whether you are neutral, an overpronator or supinator, choosing the correct shoes will be much easier.  You can also google “Runner’s World Wet Test” if you want to try and figure it out on your own.

A Step in the Right Direction Starting From Home

Sid step aerobics

Sid prefers to workout in the comfort and privacy of his own home.  Perhaps you do as well.  Finding a good workout video that you enjoy can be a great way to stay physically fit at home in a cost effective manner.  For the price of one fitness class, you can get a dvd that you can do time and time again.  In order to avoid monotony, I suggest a dvd that has multiple workouts on it.  I personally like Leslie Sansone’s Walk Away the Pounds Ultimate Collection dvd.  First, it offers four different workouts–a one mile, two mile, three mile, and a four mile.  If you’re short on time, you can do the one mile.  If you want to challenge yourself a little, you can do the three or four mile workout.  Second, it’s great for beginners, and it’s low impact.  We all have to start somewhere.  If you can walk in place, you can do the workout.  Start with the one mile and work your way up at your own pace.  If you have friends who also have workout dvds, swap for a week or two to add a little variety.  Many years ago, I would check them out of the local library.  Now, you can find free workout videos online.

Start a Walking Group

Gather a friend or five and commit to one day a week.  Make it simple and obtainable especially in the beginning.  For example, decide to meet Saturday mornings at 7:30 and walk for 30 minutes.  You’re motivated to show up because someone else is depending on you, it’s fun to chat with friends while walking, and 30 minutes is not a huge time commitment.  Even a short workout will boost your energy for the rest of the day.  Perhaps there is a group of stay at home moms who would love to get out and walk together.  Maybe Fido and Bruiser would love their humans to make them a walk date.  Or perhaps there are some retired couples who would enjoy getting together for an evening stroll. Sisters, mother/daughter, best friends, neighbors…Whatever the bond, keep each other motivated and make it fun.

Fitness Calendar

A surprisingly helpful motivational tool is a calendar.  You can use your regular calendar or just print out one of the current month.  Each time you put in a workout, jot it down on the day you did it.  For example, “Two mile walk” or “30 minute bike ride.” For some reason to me, it seems like it really happened if it’s in writing.  I shared this idea with my parents years ago.  They walk and run almost every day.  The funny part is that they both seem to know if one gets ahead of the other one in mileage.  It seems to have sparked a little competitive spirit which again fuels motivation.  There’s such a feeling of accomplishment at the end of the month when you can total up your mileage or number of workouts.  From there, you can set new goals.  I want to put in “x” amount of miles in August.  I want to walk 30 minutes three times a week in September.  I’m going to ride my bike twice a week in October.  And don’t forget to write down the time and date of your walking group!


Staying hydrated is very important especially during a workout.  Always keep a water bottle nearby and use it.  When your exercise routine takes you on the road, juggling a water bottle can become cumbersome which often causes us to neglect hydration.  There are several products on the market that can facilitate this need.  Water belts, CamelBaks, and hand held water bottles are common ways to carry water with you.  They come in a variety of configurations.  You need to figure out what is the most comfortable solution for you.  The belt with multiple smaller bottles enables you to carry sports drink as well as water and distributes the weight differently.  Perhaps you prefer your water bottle in hand.  Some like a waist belt that holds one big bottle.  Most systems will have some sort of pocket for keys, cash and energy snacks. Sierra Trading Post is a good discount source for the hand held bottles and CamelBaks.  Hydration systems might be a good way to use any REI dividends you may have available to spend.  Don’t overlook your local running stores either.  They tend to be big supporters of fitness within a community.  There’s value in that.

sid water bottle

Learn the ways of hydration, my fine young Jedi.

Sid Waterbelt

Relax, Sid, not everything is for you!


One thought on “Health & Fitness

  • July 14, 2015 at 3:20 pm

    Doesn’t appear Sid takes those workout sessions to heart judging by that robust waist line of his!


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