define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false); SwG Tips & Tales – Tank Top and Tennis Shoe Girl

SwG Tips & Tales


Coach Table Runner’s Nibble of Wisdom:  How you fuel your active body can impact your workout performance as well as your overall health.  Tomato Paced is a confessed sugar addict.  She knows oatmeal is a great source of nutrition, but by the time she gets it palatable, she has a little oatmeal in her bowl of brown sugar.  Coming up with a new way to prepare her oatmeal, Tomato Paced has found a way to increase the protein content and reduce the amount of sugar she adds while making it taste better.  Tomato Paced’s Coco-fied Oatmeal recipe can be found on the new Sole Food page of the main Recipes section.  The Sole Food page is an addition inspired by Soles with Goals.  I hope our team will share delicious and healthy recipes to help each other along our fitness journey toward a happier, healthier lifestyle.


20160710_154245It’s hot outside, yet your fierce inner competitor will not allow you to give anything less than 110%.  So let’s face it, after a great training session, your sweaty workout clothes stink!  And sometimes it’s difficult to get that hard earned scent of athletic success out of your clothes.

Technical fabrics help wick the sweat away from our bodies as we exercise, but they don’t play nice with fabric softeners.  A great alternative is using plain white vinegar in its place.  Simply put it in the fabric softener dispenser and let it work its magic.  The vinegar helps soften the fabric and also helps deodorize your extra dirty laundry.

Additional Recommendations:  Tide Sport Laundry Detergent, Tide Boost Pods (used in addition to regular detergent)

20160518_124611Coach’s Tip on Motivation:  On the days you don’t feel like exercising, convince yourself to workout for only 10 minutes.  If after 10 minutes of physical activity you still don’t want to exercise, go ahead and stop.  As your ever-wise coach, I predict that 93.7% of the time you will continue the workout, since motivation is often the biggest hurdle standing in your way of getting fit.  Making the 10 minute deal gives you the motivation to get started.  After that, you’re in workout mode.

The Soles Supporting Our Goals

by Coach Table Runner

20160709_112624While I purrsonally subscribe to the barefoot running movement, I don’t necessarily recommend it for you.  One of our team members recently pointed out how our soles are just as important as our goals and how good it felt to get a new pair of running shoes.  It’s amazing how fast a pair of kicks can wear down with consistent exercise.  While the outsides may still look fine, the inner workings of the shoes may have reached their limit–time for them to become everyday or outside work shoes.

As a general rule of thumb, a good pair of running shoes should last around 500 miles.  Granted there are other factors that need to be considered–the runner’s weight, type of terrain, etc.  Maintaining proper support in your shoes can prevent unnecessary aches and pains in the body.  You are exercising for better health, right?

First and foremost, I recommend you find out if you are a neutral runner, an overpronator or a supinator.  Specialty running shoe stores have staff that will actually watch you run and tell you what kind of shoe you need.  You can also try the Runner’s World Wet Test at home to help determine your best footwear options.

I realize running shoes are expensive and to change them out every few months can add up in the budget.  Once you figure out what type of running shoe works best for you, check out websites like Sierra Trading Post (Mom loves them) and Road Runner Sports (recommended by Mom’s former running group members) to find the good quality shoes at great prices.  And as another option to consider, my mom recently got a fantastic deal at REI Outlet online.

It’s also a good idea to go up a 1/2 size in your running shoes to accommodate your feet as they swell during a workout.  The extra room in the toebox will allow for the foot’s expansion.  This may take a little getting used to at first but is definitely recommended.  Once you make the adjustment, I sincerely doubt you’ll ever go back.

A new pair of shoes can definitely be a workout motivator!  They feel good and make you want to get back out walking and jogging.  Gotta test out the latest and greatest, right?!  Perhaps you can use them as a motivational reward–Once I reach 500 miles, I’m buying myself a new pair of running shoes.

REI has published some great articles with helpful tips regarding When to Replace Your Shoes and How to Choose Running Shoes.  Check them out and keep your soles moving toward your goals!

Carb Loading:  The Unfortunate Truth

20161013_153550Trust me, I love a spaghetti feed as much as anyone!  Yum Yum!!  So the night before a race, I’m ready to fuel up for the big day.  Food = Fuel.  Therefore, it would stand to reason, a little extra in the tank will help your performance.  Enter the fine and delicious art of carb loading.  While I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about fitness in general, I confess I was guilty of a very common misconception regarding carb loading.  (Blinded by my stomach yet again…)  Many people do believe carb loading involves pigging out on pasta the night before a big run.  Tanking up gives you more energy, right?  (I was personally thinking moderately more than usual, not necessarily being gluttonous.)  Much to my disappointment, this carb loading myth was debunked during one of my run group’s seminars.  Turns out, to properly carb load, you maintain your typical daily calorie intake.  The only difference is you should get more of those calories from carbs. Bottom Line:  Don’t consume extra calories.  Simply choose your food from carb sources.

Chafing Hurts!

20160809_205637With the intense heat of the 4th of July sun beating down on me, I ran my very first 10K many many years ago.  While it was a personal running milestone, that run also taught me an important lesson.  Chafing hurts!  At the time, technical fabrics and specialized running apparel were a foreign concept to me.  I just put on “gym clothes” and ran.  Upon completing the 6.2 miles, my lower back had been rubbed raw by a large seam and tag in the back of my shorts.  It was an ugly sore spot for quite some time.

The harder you push and farther you go, the more apt you are to experience chafing.  It’s a reality for most of us, and it hurts.  Since dialing back isn’t an option, what do you do about it?  First, give consideration to what you wear.  Try to find workout clothes that aren’t going to rub and don’t have protruding seams or tags.  There are also products on the market like Body Glide which can help.  This effective product that Coach is so graciously showing you, also works on your feet and can be found in sporting goods stores.

If any of you have experienced chafing and found ways to prevent it, please share with the team.

Bsmith12, you are an absolute inspiration!

img_1430 Bsmith12 was still reporting mileage 3 days before giving birth to a healthy baby boy at the end of September.  Three days after her bundle of joy was delivered, the now mother of 2 resumed putting in miles.  After week 1 of month 6, bsmith12 has met her weekly goal and is right on track.  Now that is pretty awesome!

If I may say so, bsmith12 has been very smart about her running/walking routine.  When she first joined SwG, she knew she was involved in other sports activities and was expecting.  While she was physically capable of putting in more miles, her weekly goal realistically reflected how many miles she would actually be able to put in on foot each week.  As the last days of her pregnancy drew near, she backed off the running but still walked.  Since welcoming her new addition, she has slowly been easing back into the groove of her workout routine.  She is determined but not over doing it.

Bsmith12 is an absolute inspiration and example for the rest of us.  Being smart, setting realistic goals, and not pushing too hard too fast is how you set yourself up to successfully achieve a healthy lifestyle that will last.

Pictured Above:  Bsmith12, Her 2 Boys, and Husband

Family Support

20161107_191552It appears Racing Meemaw’s husband read Coach Table Runner’s latest progress report (month 7, week 1) and took it to heart.  This morning Rick heeded Coach’s advice and helped his dedicated SwG wife add some additional mileage to her morning run.  What a thoughtful guy!?  Here’s what Racing Meemaw had to say:

“I got a little extra mileage this morning when I discovered Rick had locked me out of the house when I went out to feed Twilight.  Consequently with no phone and no key available I was forced to trek down to the office to get a key to get back in the house.  Fortunately Rick gave me a ride back home and needless to say I drove to work today. I am thankful I still had a sweatshirt and running shoes on.”

While it’s great to have an enthusiastic support system at home, I’m not sure Racing Meemaw appreciated this morning’s mileage boost.  I have no doubt she took it in stride, and, knowing them, the entire incident was the result of a comedy of unintentional errors.  On the positive side, Racing Meemaw got 5.48 miles this morning!  Way to go!

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